Description | Show Description | |
A.N.T. Farm premiered on DSNY on June 17, 2011. This series is about a middle school musical prodigy who is newly enrolled in a prestigious A.N.T. (Advanced Natural Talents) program at a local high school. The show depicts the new fish-out-of-water situation Chyna Parks and her fellow A.N.T.s. encounter in the sometimes daunting world of high school - three years earlier than expected.
Status | Show Status | |
Canceled/ended after 3 seasons; ended on 3/21/2014
Cast | | |
Character |
Actor |
Chyna Parks |
China Anne McClain |
Olive Doyle |
Sierra McCormick |
Fletcher Quimby |
Jake Short |
Lexi Reed |
Stefanie Scott |
Cameron Parks |
Carlon Jeffery |
Episodes | | | |
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