The Bachelor Pad premiered on ABC on August 9, 2010. Twenty of the most unforgettable contestants/suitors from the hit franchise "The Bachelor" will reunite - all under one roof. The series, the first "all-star" reunion from previous seasons of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette," will feature the participants living together in a house in a competitive reality show. The show will also offer the 20 now-single contestants a "second chance" at finding love, something that didn't quite work out during their first stint on "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette." Each week the reunited contestants will compete in challenges, some of which are inspired by incidents from prior seasons. Each two-hour episode will conclude with evictions from the residence. At the end of the six-episode run, one contestant will emerge victorious and will take home a cash prize - and who knows, maybe even have found "the one."