Auction Kings premiered on DISC on October 26, 2010. This series delves into the world of unique items - from vampire-hunting kits to meteorites to jewel-encrusted pencils - and the emotional process of their acquisition and loss. Auction Kings showcases one of the country's most storied auction houses, Gallery 63, in Sandy Springs, Ga. Its owner, Paul Brown, worked for 20 years at Red Baron's Antiques, his dad's auction house, learning the art of selling and how to tell trash from treasure. Today, Gallery 63 is renowned for bizarre, high-end items - such as a snooker table custom-made for the Rolling Stones - and Paul has made a name for himself as the go-to guy for bidders looking for those one-of-a-kind pieces that can only be found inside his doors. Paul manages his feisty staff, eager buyers and rare items like a circus under the big top. The bidders and sellers come from all walks of life, looking to make money, buy a unique piece or simply enjoy the excitement of winning. When bidding starts, the gloves come off and it's every buyer for himself. And, sure, that ancient hand cannon may be appraised at $5,000... but what did it sell for?