The Bridge premiered on CBS on July 10, 2010. This series is about a tough and dedicated police officer who is voted to become the police union's dynamic leader. To serve the public as well as his 8,000 fellow officers, charismatic Frank Leo battles criminals on the street, corruption in the ranks and his own bosses. On the force is his able partner and confidante Tommy Dunn, who rides with Frank across the bridge that spans the divide between the rich and the poor in the area they patrol; Staff Sergeant Bernie Kantor, a voice of reason and moral sounding board; Jill, a detective with a lot of attitude who is moving up the ranks; Billy, a young female cop who is determined to prove herself to the guys; and Ed Wycoff, the shrewd Chief of Police. Abby St. James is a sharp prosecutor who begins working with the police union, and shares a mutual attraction with Frank. In his new position, Frank Leo takes on the politically-motivated department brass... and makes many powerful enemies in the process.