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Curb Your Enthusiasm Episodes, Season 3

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  • Chet's Shirt
    Larry and Jeff invest in a restaurant with Ted Danson. In lieu of attending his dentist's dinner party, Larry decides to shop for waiters' uniforms, and in the process buys spiffy matching shirts for Ted and himself. But after Danson realizes his shirt has a small rip in it, he demotes Larry in The Wizard of Oz scene they're re-enacting for his daughter's birthday party (Larry refuses to switch from the Lion to the Tin Man). At the party, little Jill Danson misses the pi???ata and hits Larry in the mouth with her bat. Following an emergency visit to his dentist (who learned why Larry had skipped the dinner party), Larry is left with two abnormally large front teeth and one clean shirt that both he and Ted covet.

  • The Benadryl Brownie
    About five years after the rest of the world, Larry enters the world of cell phones. Using his new toy, he calls Cheryl and asks her to tell Randy, the chef at his new restaurant, to omit peanuts from the dinner that night because Richard Lewis' new girlfriend, Deborah, is allergic to them. But bad phone reception prevents Cheryl from hearing the message, and Deborah gets sick. A practicing Christian Scientist, she refuses to take medicine to clear up the hives on her face. Richard will not be seen with her at the Emmys that night looking like this, so he and Larry concoct a plan to bake a batch of Benadryl brownies for her to eat. The ruse fails, and that night on TV, the Davids (along with millions of others) see Joan Rivers lambasting Richard and his none-too-attractive date on the red carpet.

  • Club Soda And Salt
    Dismayed in part over the peanut incident, Randy quits the restaurant and Larry, Jeff and Ted must hustle to find a new chef. Ted suggests they audition his personal chef at home, but at dinner, Larry feels the food just wasn't that good and rejects the candidate. Meanwhile, Larry accuses Cheryl of having a crush on a tennis-playing cast member of Tony & Tina's Wedding; a couple rejects Larry's wedding gift because it's more than a year late; and a saleswoman becomes convinced that Larry is stalking her as payback for her being too aggressive in a store.

  • The Nanny From Hell
    Larry, Cheryl, Jeff and Susie encounter a "nanny from hell" whose reign of terror is thwarted by twelve sponge cakes. Larry commits a "penis faux pas" after a pool party, and Richard Lewis seeks immortality from Bartlett's Quotations.

  • The Terrorist Attack
    A rumored threat of a terrorist attack undermines a benefit performance by Alanis Morissette. Meanwhile, Larry can't help snubbing Paul Reiser's wife Mindy during a series of encounters at a restaurant and the perfume shop where she works.

  • The Special Section
    Larry's mother dies while he's shooting a film in NYC, but he doesn't find out until he returns to LA two days after the funeral. Getting over the initial shock, Larry uses his loss as an excuse to get out a number of unsavory invitations. Meanwhile, Richard Lewis accuses Larry of Indian-giving his meditation mantra and Larry plots to relocate his mother's body at the cemetery.

  • The Corpse-Sniffing Dog
    Over a makeup dinner with the Braudys, Larry openly ponders the question, "When a husband pays the check, do you have to also thank the wife?" with predictable results. Jeff's return home is being ruined by his allergies to the family's corpse-sniffing German Shepherd; but his daughter Sammy won't give him up. Concerned about his agent's welfare, Larry figures out an ingenious way to give the pooch to the Braudys, who are looking for just such a dog.

  • Crazy-Eyez Killah
    Larry is accused of betraying the confidences of Wanda's boyfriend, a rapper he met at a party. Later, Larry alienates Jeff's wife Susie by passing on her house-tour offer, then runs into problems trying to replace a sports jacket Cheryl threw out.

  • Mary, Joseph And Larry
    Larry proves himself an incompetent Christmas tipper, while both Larry and Jeff prove themselves incompetent at creating believable alibis for the messes they get in. After offending his housekeeper, Larry makes up with her at the expense of his wife. Later, Larry attempts to make up with Cheryl's family for ruining their nativity scene.

  • The Grand Opening
    Larry figures out a way to fire a chef, and alienate an important restaurant critic, in the days before his new restaurant is scheduled to open. As Susie stews over a misunderstanding with Larry and Cheryl, the Davids spend some quality time at the car wash. With its grand opening at hand, the restaurant owners hire a new chef with a penchant for speaking his mind.

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