The Weber Show premiered on NBC on April 28, 20076, 2000 as Cursed, then changed its name during the first season. Jack Nagle is a man in the prime of his life, a successful and dynamic account executive at a hot New York ad agency, limitless possibilities in his future. But suddenly, Jack's teflon glide through life has hit a few patches of sandpaper - a missed phone call here, a flat tire there, and the occasional natural disaster thrown in for good measure. It's as if Murphy's Law was suddenly renamed "Nagle's Law." But Jack isn't the kind of guy who lets a few bad bounces ruin his day. Plus, he's got his friends and colleagues around to help him out, including an eccentric roommate, an ex-girlfriend and a stubborn co-worker. Jack's convinced a change of luck is just around the corner - and he's got the optimism and boundless energy to walk down every street in the city until he finds the right block!