Dweebs premiered on CBS on September 22, 1995. The series enters the world of computer dweebs more comfortable in cyberspace than with real life. To the twentyish Carey, "surfing the Internet" is something you do at the beach, and a "monitor" was the annoying kid who staked out the school hallways -- until she takes a job with four socially inept techno-nerds. Warren, the owner of Cyberbyte, Inc., is a legendary software genius. His employees are brilliant pocket-protector types, the kind who were often found dangling by their underwear from a hook in the high school gym. Karl, a former teacher, is more concerned about the degrading environment than with his clothes, all of which are the color of mulch. Vic, Karl's former student, is as gloomy as the dark glasses he hides behind, and Morley, Vic's cohort since high school, has intense allergic reactions to everything (especially women). As their technologically inept office manager, Carey becomes a mentor to the socially maladroit geniuses, counseling them on dating and other personal matters. But she gets most of her insider information and the English translations of computer-speak from Todd, whom she's hired as a gofer/interpreter.