Finding Sarah premiered on OWN on June 12, 2011. After decades under the harsh glare of the media spotlight, Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, is undertaking her toughest challenge yet, rebuilding her life and career. Candid and unprecedented, the series follows the Duchess' emotional struggle to find herself and happiness. The Duchess bravely shares her personal story with viewers. Following a major scandal last year, the Duchess hit rock bottom. Feeling inspired after a tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey, the Duchess decides she must confront her past and take positive steps to change her life. To guide her through the ultimate mind/body makeover, the Duchess seeks the help of Oprah's experts, Dr. Phil and Suze Orman, as well as other extraordinary individuals. Together they help her address tough personal issues, ranging from finances and self-esteem to physical fitness.