Ghost Lab premiered on DISC on October 6, 2009. A door slammed shut but there was no wind. A voice was heard but no one was around. A stranger appeared in the distance but was gone in seconds. Everyone has a ghost story. But imagine having hundreds of ghost stories, many of them documented, including one of the most phenomenal events ever recorded - an actual ghost regiment. Meet Brad and Barry Klinge, two Texas brothers who founded Everyday Paranormal, an investigation team that has set a new standard in research. The Klinge brothers aren't satisfied with merely going into a home with the hopes of catching a voice on tape. They want to test real scientific theories. With the help of the latest technology, a decked-out travelling "ghost lab" and one of the world's foremost specialists in science measurements, they test cutting-edge theories. Is there more ghost activity around water? Are spirits attached to specific items or locations? The Klinge brothers are on a mission to find out. And they aren't testing these theories in ordinary places. Instead, they are tackling some of America's most haunted locations - including Tombstone, Ariz., home to some of the most violent deaths in history and a hotbed of activity, and the Shreveport Auditorium, where Elvis got his start and may have not left the building.