Gideon's Crossing premiered on ABC on April 28, 20070, 2000. Ben Gideon is the voice of reason, empathy and wisdom in a world of medical chaos, bureaucracy and hypocrisy. He is a doctor we should all be so lucky to have. Highly skilled, on the cutting edge of technology and experimental medicine but possessing the gentlest and most inspirational of bedside manners, he is Disease's mortal enemy. Ben Gideon, it seems, could will his patients to wellness. He is compassionate, of course, but equally relentless and demanding - of himself, of his students and of his patients. He will not give up in his quest for cures. His students love him, want to be him, but they also fear him just a little. He challenges his patients to examine their lives and to make changes if those lives don't have meaning. Ben Gideon treats the whole person, not just the illness.