John Doe premiered on FOX on September 20, 2002. From director Mimi Leder and writers Brandon Camp and Mike Thompson, comes the story of John Doe, a mysterious man who rises from the primordial waters of an isolated island, possessing knowledge of literally everything in the world, yet having no memory of who - or even what - he is. Doe quickly finds his way to Seattle, where he befriends the police and uses his special gift to help them solve "impossible" crimes each week, while continuing his unending quest to uncover who he is and where he came from. Despite his considerable charm, Doe is an emotional island unto himself. Want to know the population of Peru in 1853? How many blue cars there are in the state of Washington? Or better yet, predict which horse will win every race at the track based on knowing all the variables? Doe has all the answers. But what is he like? Family man or loner? Hero or villain? What is truly in his soul? Doe doesn't have a clue. In his search to unlock the key to his past, Doe is joined by Hayes, a cop assigned to the case of a missing girl who Doe intuitively feels may have some connection to his previous life. Impressed with Doe's extraordinary talents, Hayes sees something special in this odd stranger. Hayes' boss, Lt. Jamie Avery, on the other hand, is not as easily convinced that Doe is on the straight and narrow and seeks to uncover the truth about him in her own way. He may be a government agent, an extra-terrestrial or perhaps just a regular John Doe with a bout of amnesia. Whatever secrets his past holds, Doe is now the man who knows everything - a gift that will forever change his destiny.