Kidnap & Rescue premiered on DISC on January 29, 2011. This series is about kidnapping and the rescuers with the courage to go where no one else can - risking violent reprisal to reclaim innocent victims, inside our borders and beyond. Whether it's a high-profile executive being held for ransom, a child sold overseas or a DEA agent taken by a vengeful cartel, the hope of every victim lies in the hands of the few with the training and dedication to bring them home. Each unforgettable story unfolds through first-hand accounts and cinematic reimaginings of the kidnap, the planning of the rescue and the recovery itself, to outcomes both triumphant and tragic. To fight the evolving threat, Kidnap & Rescue firms specialize in securing "high net worth" clients, providing cutting-edge surveillance on the U.S./Mexico border and orchestrating the collapse of human trafficking rings. Regardless of the mission, the motivations are the same - get everyone back alive, regardless of the danger.