Married To The Kellys premiered on ABC on October 3, 2003. New York writer Tom grew up an only child and is a loner by nature. He's a man who takes pride in refusing to learn the names of his neighbors. But his life is destined for change when he marries Susan, a gregarious social butterfly from the Midwest. Tom loves the big city, but Susan longs for something more, so Tom promises her that when he sells his first book, they'll move wherever she wants. Well, he sells one and has to make good - the couple moves to Kansas City to be near her large and close-knit family. And what a family it is! Susan's mom, Sandy, is a warm and charming - but quietly controlling - wife who keeps tabs on everyone with her "Doghouse System" of public humiliation for anyone who breaks the house rules. Her dad, Bill, is the rock of the family and, like Tom, an only child himself. Tom sees Bill as a preview of himself in thirty years. Other characters in this muddled menage include brother-in-law Chris, who is married to Susan's sister, Mary, and who regards Tom as a threat to his own 'favorite son-in-law' status. There's Mary herself, chronically competitive and working on her master's degree, who feels compelled to prove her intellectual superiority to Tom at every turn. And there's Lewis, the youngest in the family, who's shy and socially awkward as a result of growing up surrounded by strong women. To make Susan happy, Tom vows to do his best to fit in with her cozy clan, but he has his doubts. After all, you can lead an only child to a big family, but...