Must Love Cats premiered on ANI on February 12, 2011. This road-tripping adventure series packs wild, wonderful and heartwarming encounters with the cat world into a journey to the center of the feline universe. From the weird to the wacky and from the curious and cuddly, cat-obsessed host and musician John Fulton sees as much of the feline world as possible, no matter where the path leads. From ancient to modern, massive to tiny, art museums to street corners, no cat will be overlooked in this scenic travelogue that takes a deep dive into some of the most unique people, places and things the feline world has to offer. From cats that saved their owners' lives to swanky cat-only hotels, Must Love Cats spans the realm of all things "cat," offering a potpourri of fantastic feline stories, jam-packed with fascinating factoids and trivia bits.