On The Spot premiered on WB on March 20, 2003. The television comedy, reimagined. The series is a partially scripted/partially improvised half-hour comedy series that relies on the participation of the audience and the quick wit of the cast members to move the story along - always in surprising new directions - and provide non-stop laughs along the way. On The Spot may look like a sit-com and sound like a sit-com, but it's really a high-wire comedy act without a net. Each fast-paced episode has a storyline, but instead of the usual scripted jokes, rehearsed performances and laugh tracks, On The Spot is largely improvised. The clever ensemble cast is kept on its toes by audience suggestions that can turn each week's plot upside-down in a heartbeat. The audience is an integral part of each episode of On The Spot. Not only do they offer suggestions for each week's plot, they may find themselves on camera as hotel guests and patrons in the lounge.