Opposite Sex premiered on FOX on July 17, 2000. The show is about Evergreen Academy, a formerly all-girls prep school.The series follows a teenage boy forced to enroll at the school. Jed Perry is just wrapping up one of the worst weeks of his life. The same week he and his dad and brother are moving from back East to Northern California, his girlfriend totally dumps him! Jed has vowed to steer clear of girls for a very long time! Unfortunately, Jed's new school, Evergreen Academy, is making that impossible. Evergreen just went coed and Jed soon discovers he is one of only three guys enrolled for the new year! Jed's male allies are Phil, the academic who is thrilled with the school's high Ivy League placement; and Cary, who is thrilled by his increased odds of scoring a date. What Jed, Phil and Cary slowly realize is that the secret world of girls is not at all what they expected. As the guys try to blend, they find little sympathy among the mostly resentful girls. Hostile Stella, an Evergreen legacy, is particularly vocal about not wanting to break with tradition. Brilliant Kate is initially resistant, but starts to appreciate having a male perspective on things. Rebellious Miranda, however, adopts Jed as her pet project and helps the boys adjust to the estrogen-heavy environment.