Osbournes: Reloaded premiered on FOX on March 31, 2009. Unlike any other series on television, OSBOURNES: RELOADED features audience interaction, rowdy comedy and hilarious stunts that will shock and amuse. Outrageous sensibility and brash humor are at the core of the series filmed on location and in front of a studio audience that never knows what to expect from the First Family of Rock. Whether it's Sharon unveiling a stripping grandmother, Kelly and Jack bringing an unsuspecting playboy face-to-face with his ex-girlfriends or Ozzy soaking the entire studio audience with foam TVs most outrageous family is guaranteed to rock the house. The series will also venture off-stage with recurring segments including "Osbourne in the USA," where members of the family go to work in places such as a fast-food drive-thru; "Osbournes Meet the Osbournes," where the family goes cross-country and lives with other Osbourne families; and the "Littlest Osbournes," where pint-size, potty-mouthed versions of Sharon and Ozzy recreate moments from their early days... in all their four-letter glory.