Pregnant In Heels premiered on BRV on April 5, 2011. This series follows maternity concierge, fashion designer, and pregnancy guru Rosie Pope as she guides expecting mothers through the joys and perils of preparing to have a baby. Rosie owns a high fashion maternity clothing boutique on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and runs MomPrep, the premier training academy for mothers-to-be. With the help of her assistants Hannah and LT, Rosie runs the store, designs the clothing and takes on clients on a case-by-case basis to help them with all their bizarre baby needs. Each week, viewers will join Rosie and her team as they tackle two new clients and their pregnancy dilemmas. From shotgun wedding planning and rock n'roll nursery makeovers, to daddy boot camps and even getting the baby into British aristocracy, Rosie Pope is the maternity concierge to the most affluent ??? and hormonal ??? expectant mothers in the city.