Queens Supreme premiered on CBS on January 10, 2003. The series is a seriocomic drama that delves into the chaos, infighting and colorful personalities of the people behind-the-bench and behind-the-scenes at the Queens County courthouse in New York City. Jack Moran is a brilliant, cynical judge whose integrity and wisdom are often overshadowed by his non-conformist and occasionally bizarre courtroom behavior. The amiable, fair-minded and respected Thomas O'Neill, the highest-ranking judge at the courthouse, tends to be the voice of reason as he works to keep his fellow judges' egos, agendas and eccentricities in check. And despite the whispers regarding her lack of experience, the young, attractive and feisty newly-appointed judge, Kim Vicidomini, is quickly proving that her political connections and legal savvy are an asset both in and out of the courtroom. But for the hard-working, brutally frank Judge Rose Barnea, the "jury's still out" regarding Kim, and she's not afraid to let her know it. Carmen and Mike are the able, ever-helpful legal assistants who are surprised by very little. The judges, although often at odds, are completely dedicated to the legal process and, when push comes to shove, to each other.