Description | Show Description | |
Samurai Girl premiered on FAM on September 5, 2008. Based on a series of popular young adult novels, "Samurai Girl" tells the story of a 19-year old Japanese girl named Heaven, who discovers that the wealthy businessman who adopted her as an infant is really the head of the Yakuza (the Japanese mafia) and may have had her beloved brother brutally murdered. She breaks from her family and begins training to become a samurai, and with the help of a group of new American friends, sets out to take down her father's evil empire.
Cast | | |
Character |
Actor |
Heaven Kogo |
Jamie Chung |
Jake Stanton |
Brendan Fehr |
Konishi Kogo |
Anthony Brandon Wong |
Cheryl |
Saige Thompson |
Severin |
Steven Brand |
Sato |
Kenneth Choi |
Otto |
Kyle Labine |
Episodes | | | |
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