The Trouble With Normal premiered on ABC on October 6, 2000. This show is an outrageous new comedy crazy enough to ask the question, "Are you being paranoid if everyone really is out to get you?" Bob is a regular guy just trying to live an ordinary life. But for and his friend, Max, this is a particular challenge because of the unique perspective they have on the world - that it's out to get them. Their friend, Claire, a pretty and down-to-earth therapist, is trying to convince them that they have nothing to fear, but this isn't easy in a world where there really ARE cameras in the traffic lights and bank machines, where your credit card company DOES know the last time you bought underwear, and your HMO knows all about that embarrassing itch. Bob's problems are exacerbated when he becomes convinced that his new next door neighbor, Zack, is spying on him. The catch is, Zack really is spying on Bob.