Vanished With Beth Holloway premiered on LIFE on May 9, 2011. This series examines some of America's most disturbing unsolved cases as told to Holloway by the families who've been victimized by mysterious abductions or disappearances of loved ones and unspeakable crimes. Now left with little hope, they turn to Holloway, who continues to live a mother's worst nightmare as she carries on her tireless quest to uncover the mystery surrounding her daughter Natalee's tragic 2005 disappearance. A passionate advocate for these families, Beth offers her unique insight into each case, dedicating her intensely personal point-of-view and empathy to family and loved ones seeking answers. Each episode will profile real-life mysteries, giving detailed accounts of the events described by those closest to the victims as Beth goes on location to conduct key interviews, introduce important facts and give the audience a clear understanding of pivotal moments in each harrowing case.