Wa$ted! premiered on PLG on April 15, 2008. Think that in order to go green, the changes to your lifestyle must be extreme? Think again! This eye-opening half-hour reality series makes shrinking your ecological footprint appealing and virtually effortless. What's an ecological footprint? It's a way of describing the scope of the damage that each household does to the planet, and energetic environmentalist Annabelle Gurwitch and her charming conservationist co-host Holter Graham are out to shrink the ecological shoe size of every man, woman, and child in America. Wa$ted! attacks a spectrum of environmentally unfriendly households across the nation, auditing their waste, energy, water and transportation consumption. Not surprisingly, each episode unearths dozens of eco-horrors that are killing both the environment and the homeowner's bank account. Drafty windows, a television blasting around-the-clock to keep a pet company, spoiled food from over-purchasing -- you name the possible eco-crime, and these households have offended. But no matter how far gone the family, it's not as hard to change hazardous habits as one might think. From bedroom-based worm compost farms to a ban on plastic baggies, Annabelle and Holter will do anything it takes to hamper the crimes their convicted eco-felons are committing. Each episode offers dozens of customized, unconventional solutions and easy-to-maintain tips and tricks on how to best shrink ecological footprints, conserve energy and produce less trash, which in turn saves the homeowners (and viewers) some serious cash, both upfront and over the years. Featured households are incentivized with a challenge to adhere to simple earth-saving suggestions as strictly as possible for three weeks. In a follow-up meeting with Annabelle and Holter, the households (who range from festive frat boys to doting doggy daddies) are again audited and asked to review their successes and failures. Each household's 21 days of results are then tabulated into the estimated savings that going green for the entire year would bring, which is awarded as a cash prize. The hilarious hosts will draw viewers into Wa$ted! faster than sunlight into solar panels, and the show content fills a void in an eco-curious society that is searching for suggestions and solutions on how to transform their own eco-horror households into eco-delights. Wa$ted! viewers who utilize the knowledge offered can expect savings of thousands of dollars in their pockets while saving Earth - a win-win situation for sure.