Working Class premiered on CMT on January 28, 2011. This series follows Carli, a single mom from a rough and tumble background, trying to give her kids a better life by moving them to an upscale suburb. She quickly finds that making the transition to "the good life" is harder than she thought. Not only do her three kids seem to want the same luxuries as their friends, but her only career prospect is a glorified deli job at the local grocery store, and the man she falls for already has a girlfriend and is also her boss. To make matters worse, Carli finds herself unwittingly befriended by her cranky, misanthropic neighbor, Hank, who is also the butcher at the grocery where she works. With her ladies-man brother, Nick, to help her out, Carli faces the challenges of parenting, dating, and making friends in her new community by doing more with less, staying true to herself, and approaching each day with a touch of working class.