Worst Case Scenario premiered on DISC on May 5, 2010. This series is based on the bestselling series of books with the same name. On the show, survival expert Bear Grylls portrays potentially life-threatening situations to demonstrate how to survive in a worst case scenario. Grylls pushes his physical boundaries part stuntman, part urban survivalist to exhibit scenarios that viewers could find themselves in and equip them with potentially life-saving information. In each episode, Grylls shows viewers that the right knowledge and skills can help anyone succeed in urban survival situations that could arise without warning, from escaping a high-rise apartment fire to fending off a shark attack to escaping out of a sinking car. The various situations featured on Worst Case Scenario have been produced to model those in the book series. Other dire situations featured throughout the series include escaping from a frozen lake and surviving a multi-story elevator plunge or a fall down a flight of stairs.